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Sukob (The Wedding Curse)I don't know what to say... I like it, in the way that I almost had a heart attack on the very scary scenes, it is very provoking, entertaining and it is really made for the sake of the audience.
On the other hand, the weakness of the film is the script or narrative structure. It is breaking and neglecting its own logic. And one thing, after the movie, the scary thought doesn't really stays with you... (B-)
Masahista (The Masseur)It has a very high degree of realism and eroticism but the acting is horrible. I don't like the way it was edited, confusing and amateurish... But definitely, the film is a sign of hope for Filipino films to excel in the international festival circuits... (B-)
It is very creepy and scary that someone from our neighbor committed suicide last night because of his incurable disease and he can't stand it any longer...
In our street right now, rumors, speculation and condemnation spread out, that even if he is a good man, he can't go to heaven because he committed suicide.
Well, I don't like the idea that the INSTITUTION have taught us, I mean, you cannot generalize everything. Humans are humans and we are subjected to different cirumstances. Honestly, I somehow admired that man because he gave himself dignity for the way he wanted to end up his life. At least he made a choice, most people in their death beds do not even realize how to make a good choice or how to exercise their freedom deliberately...
Yeah, I know what's in your mind... we make choices everyday but, choosing what brand of shoes we want to wear or choosing what model of phones we desire to buy... Are those what we call freedom? Or is it more like something has already told us to do it even before making choices...
I am just saying these cause I discovered that freedom itself is sometimes superficial... Just like you, I just want to know when is the time that I'm really deciding for myself or not...