2005's Best So far...
My Choice for Best Films (Jan-Apr 2005)

3 Iron (Korea) - Perhaps, the most original, distinctive film made so far. Kim Ki-duk is excellent in directing this Golden Lion award winning movie.
A Very Long Engagement (France) - One of the most charming film of the year and also one of the best war commentary of 2005.
Before Sunset (USA) - Giving the best screenplay of 2005, currently this is the best American film of the year.
Oldboy (Korea) - Park Chan Wok Cannes Film Festival award winning film is one of the best contemporary twisted thriller in this decade.
Run Lola Run (Germany) - Ten or Twenty years from now, Tom Tykwer's thrilling techno movie will linger around to stay...
Tae Guk Gi (Korea) - The Best Film of the Year so far, this war epic film is one of the strongest holocaust melodrama I've ever seen since The Schindler's List...
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