Sunday, July 02, 2006

Superman Returns (June 30, 2006)

At last! I have already seen the most anticipated movie of the summer... Superman Returns is currently kicking some serious ass in the box office, but after the movie, it left me a little bit cold...

I have to mention first my good experiences with the film. Once again, Hollywood shows where they really good at; stunning visual effects, precise sound mixing and sound editing. The only great competition of this movie this year when it comes to the visuals and sounds is the Peter Jackson film King Kong which is very good in all aspects. Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey supporting performances as couple gave the best acting scenes in the film, burrying the leads efforts in the movie...

Honestly, I didn't expect so much that is why I'm not so affected by the anti-climactic third act conclusion of the film... Superman started with a very interesting premise but as the end of 2 and a half hours approaches, it doesn't hold interest anymore. I quite felt that it is overly long and there is no balance between the exposure of Clark Kent and Superman as the film prioritized the heroic side of our protagonist. As the ending approaches, everything is predictable and the hospital bed ridden scene is too much to take. Not to mention, the female lead Kate Bosworth as Lois is horrible in her role, she just can't make connection with his charming but irresponsible male lead and eventually cannot make connection with her audience. Brandon Routh on the other hand gave a weak performance as Superman, but I'm not saying that he is a bad actor, he just lacks more intensity on internalizing his character. I just hope Brandon is not another Orlando Bloom in the making who is very lucky in every good movies he participated but gives the same predictable, typecast and weak performances in his scenes.

Superman Returns is not that bad, it will just be more interesting if Director Bryan Singer controls his cast better and edit out unnessary scenes in the near ending. But overall, Superman Returns is still a celebration of an iconic superhero legend who will not die out in every pages of our imagination... (6 out of 10)


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Toni said...

can't wait to watch this! :)


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